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He was born in Athens in 469 B.C. and died in the same place in 399 B.C. He is the epitome of sophistry in the late V century (B.C.) after Gorgias and Protagoras. Due to the bad reputation attributed to the Sophists by the public, crossed to do business with education, Socrates quickly sought to disassociate himself from this current. To do this, he refused to receive the perks and gifts that this group had as usual for their educational services. So, he had a humble and ascetic life. He worried specially about moral and ethical presupposes and the consequences that these unravelled into society. To this end, he practised dialogue constantly inducing the listener to express as honestly as possible. Bowen said in 1976 that "his art consisted on bringing things to light by skilful interrogations, some concepts and an understanding already present in the spirit of the other" (p. 136). It was like this how Socrates contributed to the development of logic with two major concepts: the induction and definition. Similar to how St. Augustine would expose him later, Socrates warns that the teacher's task should be to exercise the "extraction" of all the psychic and intellectual potential undiscovered that is found in the individual.