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Catherine L`Ecuyer

Is a Canadian settled in Barcelona and mother of four children.

Lawyer, Master’s Degree at IESE Business School and Official European Master’s in Research. In Canada, she worked as a lawyer in an international law firm and as a Senior Council in a telecommunication company (currently Rogers). In Spain, she has been a consultant and trainer for companies. At present she is a lecturer and the author of Educar en el asombro (The Wonder Approach to Learning, 11ª edition). She also has a blog (apegoasombro) which receives around 150.000 visits per year. In 2013 she was invited to provide a summary of her conference Asombro y Belleza en la Educación (Wonder and Beauty in Education) in the TED event. She has been interviewed by several media (RTVE, La Contra de La Vanguardia, El Mundo, ABC, Ara, Periódico Escuela, Crecer en Familia, Ser Padres, Revista Infancia, 13TV, COPE, Radio 4, Catradio, among others) and she has collaborated with magazines such as Salud Total and Mente Sana.

In September 2014, the prestigious Swiss journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience published her article, The Wonder Approach to Learning, which turns the thesis of her book The Wonder Approach to Learning into a new hypothesis/learning theory.

Currently, she collaborates with the research group Mente Cerebro in the University of Navarra.

Catherine L`Ecuyer

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