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Article 31 CDN

"The child has the right to leisure, play and participation in artistic and cultural activities." Twenty-first article of the 54 articles approved in the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) on November 20, 1989 in Geneva, Switzerland. It refers to the recreational needs of the child and his/her right to be able to be satisfied through play and participation in cultural and artistic activities. The CRC is an international treaty that outlines the rights of children and is the first legally binding instrument that recognizes children as social agents and as active holders of their own rights. The CRC is the culmination of a story that begins in 1924 with the Geneva Declaration on the Rights of the Child which had only five basic principles; the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, where reference is implicit but not explicit on the rights of the child; and its predecessor, the Declaration of the Rights of the Child of 1959, with ten articles. For the complete articles