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It is a rapid test to assess the health of the baby based on the evaluation of five basic points: 1. Appearance/skin colour: rosy, pale... 2. Pulse/heart rate: high, low... 3. Gestures/reflections: there’s answer... 4. Attitude/tone: flexion, extension... 5. Breathing effort: strong breathing, weak breathing... Each of these five points is evaluated from 0 to 2 depending on clinician observation. According to their score the need for medical care of the baby is determined. A score between 0 and 7 concerns a good state of health of the baby; 4 to 6 evidence that their physiological condition is not correct, needing a clinical assessment; between 0 and 3 baby would require emergency care; with a score of 0 the baby would have a very low chance of survival. The test is named in honor of its creator, pediatrician and anesthetist Virgini Apgar. Also, its acronym is used as mnemonic as it’s an acronym of the criteria being evaluated: Appearance, Pulse, Gesture, Attitude, Respirn