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Guixot de 8

"Guixot de 8 is the first Catalan and Spanish company that turns playing into a street performance. It does it to collect the testimony of popular games and greasy pole, so rooted in our country and also one of the first companies in Europe leading games into the streets and squares. But is the first to do so with original, manufactured games, built with salvaged materials, first from the junkyard and then from the clean points when these were widespread. The test of this experience took place in the village of Tona over ten years inside the Peseta Fair, born in 1981 by a group of friends. In this context, Tona tested many ideas, some with success: like running with wheelbarrows, the Fair of local authorities, Joc Joc Fair, etc... And of course, it experiences the functioning of a game-based show. Within this framework of the Peseta Fair, a traditional games and greasy pole fair, along with makeup workshops, painting etc. Which are made by the day of St. Andrew, the patron saint of Tona. Joan Rovira starts to investigate the game of own creation. Joan Rovira founded Guixot de 8 in 1991 to make a version of the Peseta Fair in Rubí for the festival of San Pedro, without there being a clear continuity of the project. The success in Rubí served to consolidate the company and in the first two years of life had already managed to eighty gigs in Catalonia. The exit to Europe happens soon (…)” More information.