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Petra Mª Pérez

PhD in Educational Sciences, professor of Theory of Education in the University of Valencia. Extraordinary prize of degree. Cañada Blanch Award (1981). Award of the Committee for the Promotion of Advanced Educational Research, Florence, 1992. Universidad-Sociedad Award for the investigative activity, Valencia 1998.
Institute of Educational Creativity and Innovation Director at the University of Valencia. Director of the Education Theory Department, in different periods. National Coordination of the European Year of Creativity and Innovation (2009) Brussels.

Member of the Observatories: Para la Convivencia escolar y contra la violencia (For the coexistence of schooling and control against violence). Member of Observatorio Valenciano de drogodependencias y otros trastornos aditivos (menores) (Valencian Observatory of Drug Addictions and other Addictive Disorders (minors)). Representative member of the University in the Observatory of Infancia y Familia (Infancy and Family). Responsible for the working group Educar en valores (Educating in Values). Member of the Child's Play Observatory, OJI.
Her publications are carried out in the field on the anthropology and theory of education and show her research track in the monitoring of the values and life styles in the infant-juvenile period. They are financed by different entities both the public (CICYT, C.E, RTVE) and private AEFJ (Spanish Association of Toy Manufacturers), SM (children's literature), FILMAX (cartoons) etc. There are several researches about Juego y Juguete (Games and Toys), for the game industry and the OJI (Child's Play Observatory).

Petra Mª Pérez

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